ligues cpv
Club Performance Volleyball offers several evening leagues in 6x6 format.
Level: C+ for mixed and mens at Maisonneuve College; B/B+ for mens at Complexe Multi-sports Laval.
Eligibility: Be 16 years of age or older*
Cost: see times below
Please note that the number of places is limited and each team captain must validate his team when signing up or by email conkhivolleyballclub@gmail.com. Your team will be confirmed within the league upon receipt of payment .
*Parental permission will be required if you are under 18.

our leagues
Mixed c+
Mens c+
mens b/b+
1 équipe manquant 1 centre et un power inscription individuelle encore possible
Inscription individuelle possible, veuillez nous contacter via conkhivolleyballclub@gmail.com
Registration fees include taxes.
Each team must have a captain to maintain effective communication and league management.
It is your responsibility to assess whether you meet the level of each league.
A waiting list will be opened if all places are taken.